The official name of this club shall be "Z Club of Texas" [hereinafter
The Club is a non-profit organization formed to provide its members
with access to knowledge about their Z Cars and also provide a forum for
members and other interested parties to exchange Z Car information.
A. |
To promote safe driving habits and driving skills by stressing the
"Three C's" of road safety: CARE, COURTESY and COMMON SENSE. |
B. |
To provide assistance to any motorist in distress when such assistance
is both safe and feasible; |
C. |
To plan and regulate functions and/or activities designed to further
the Club's Purpose, including, but not limited to: technical sessions,
assistance in dealing with local repair establishments and help in obtaining
difficult-to-acquire parts [especially for the older Z Cars]; and |
D. |
To plan and regulate functions and/or activities designed to assist
local charitable institutions in their endeavors. |
The Club shall not organize, sponsor, plan, assist, sanction nor allow
its name to be associated, in any manner whatsoever, with any automotive
function which is in violation of any duly constituted legislation [e.g.
a "Gumball" Rally].
A. |
The term "Member" applies to any person owning, holding title to or
possessing a Datsun/Nissan Z Car and/or any of the Z Car fore-runners [Roadsters
and "Fairlady" Models], whose Annual Dues are current. |
B. |
The term "Family Member" applies to any two people, either legally related,
[i.e. immediate family members] or two people who consider each other a significant partner, whose Annual Dues are current and one of whom meets the automotive criteria
contained in Article II, Section I, Paragraph A. |
C. |
The Term "Associate Member" applies to anyone who does not meet the
automotive criteria in Article II, Section I, Paragraph A, but whose annual
dues are current.
1. |
Total Associate Membership is restricted to 10% of the Total Membership
[wherein a Family Membership equals two Members]. |
D. |
The Term "Honorary Member" applies to those elected to this type of
membership for special recognition by the Club. Honorary Members are not
assessed annual dues. |
A. |
Membership Numbers will be issued in consecutive order.
B. |
A Membersip Number assigned to a given Member cannot be re-assigned to any other Member.
A. |
Annual Dues are due each year by the end of the month wherein a Member first joined the Club.
1. |
A one month grace period will be granted for any Member to become current,
however, the renewal month remains the same as the month the Member first joined the Club. |
2. |
Dues for a Member's first annual renewal will be prorated in the second year, where applicable, based on the month when the Member first joined the Club the preceding year. |
B. |
Annual Dues are assessed as follows:
1. |
$36.00 for an annual Membership; |
2. |
$5.00 additional for an annual Family Membership; |
3. |
$25.00 for an annual Associate Membership. |
C. |
Any Member in good standing [i.e. whose Annual Dues are current] who
enters the Armed Forces of the United States, will automatically be granted
Honorary Member status while on Active Duty. |
D. |
If a Member's dues lapse and that Member wants to rejoin the Club but does not wish to maintain the Membership Number originally issued to that Member, then the Treasurer will assign that Member the next available consecutive Membership Number at the time of renewal. |
E. |
If a Member's dues lapse, and that Member wants to bring the lapsed dues current and maintain the Membership Number originally issued to that Member:
1. |
if the lapsed dues are three or less years in arrears, then paying the prevailing annual dues for the arrears period entitles the Member to keep the Membership Number originally assigned to that Member. |
2. |
if the lapsed dues are over three years in arrears, then paying the prevailing annual dues for that three year period in arrears plus fifty percent [50%] of the prevailing annual dues for the arrears period after the first three years in arrears entitles the Member to keep the Membership Number originally assigned to that Member. |
A. |
Membership Cards will be issued for one year after the Treasurer receives the Member's Annual Dues. |
B. |
Each Membership Card will expire annually on the lastday of the Member's renewal month. |
C. |
A Family Membership is entitled to two Membership Cards, each with
the same Membership Number. |
D. |
Honorary Members will be entitled to a renewed Membership Card each
year upon receiving the necessary votes of the Membership during the month
the Honorary Member was first elected. |
E. |
Associate Members are not entitled to Membership Cards. |
F. |
Each Member receiving a Membership Card automatically agrees to return
their Membership Card if they resign or are expelled from the Club. |
A. |
All Members and Family Members are eligible to cast one vote each. |
B. |
Associate Members and Honorary Members are not eligible to vote. |
C. |
All Members, Family Members, Associate Members and Honorary Members
are eligible to participate at functions and/or activities which are open
only to Club Members. |
A. |
A Member of the Club may be expelled from the Club for:
1. |
Non-payment of Annual Dues; and/or |
2. |
Breaching any Club By-Laws and/or rules; and/or |
3. |
For bringing unwanted negative publicity to bear on the Club. |
B. |
No member may be expelled from the Club unless the following procedure
is strictly adhered to by both the Member and the Club:
1. |
A recommendation to expel a Member must be submitted, in writing, to
a Club Officer outlining the specific reason(s) for the expulsion recommendation. |
2. |
A Special Meeting of the Officers will be called to review the expulsion
recommendation with both the initiator and the Member recommended for expulsion
in attendance. |
3. |
The Officers will review the recommendation, try to obtain independent
additional information, and vote on whether to accept or reject the expulsion
recommendation. |
4. |
If the Officers vote to reject the expulsion recommendation, both the
initiator of the expulsion recommendation and the Member recommended for
expulsion will be contacted by the President to explain the Officer's decision. |
5. |
If the Officers vote to accept the expulsion recommendation, the Member
recommended for expulsion will be offered the option of either resigning
from the Club or participating at the next regularly scheduled Club meeting
when the subject of the recommended expulsion will be presented for a vote
by all the Members present. |
6. |
If the Member refuses to resign, the recommended expulsion will be
presented at the next regularly scheduled Club meeting for a vote by the
Members present. |
7. |
At that meeting, the President will introduce the expulsion recommendation
under "New Business." The final decision on the recommended expulsion will
be determined by a two-thirds vote of the Members present. |
A. |
The Officers of the Club shall be President, Vice President, Secretary
and Treasurer. |
B. |
Each Officer shall hold term for one year or until such time as their
successors are elected or qualified. |
C. |
No Member may hold more than one elected office. |
A. |
The President will appoint a three-person Nominating Committee at the
Club's September monthly meeting to prepare a slate of nominations to be
presented at the Club's October monthly meeting. |
B. |
Nominations will also be entertained from the floor at the Club's October
monthly meeting. |
C. |
Write-in nominations must be post-marked by November 1st. |
D. |
No Member shall accept a nomination for more than one office. |
E. |
Incumbents are eligible for nomination. |
F. |
Only current Members are eligible for nomination. |
A. |
All voting for Officers will be by a physically written or electronically submitted ballot. |
B. |
The slate of candidates will be published in the Club's November Newsletter and/or by other electronic means. |
C. |
Ballots will also be distributed at the Club's November monthly meeting.
All ballots cast will be given to the Nomination Committee after the conclusion
of the meeting. |
D. |
Absentee ballots must be post-marked or electroically date stamped by November 30th to be counted. |
E. |
The election results will be announced at the Club's December meeting.
1. |
In the event of a tie for an office, those Members attending the December
monthly meeting will re-cast ballots to break the tie. Absentee ballots
will not be counted. |
F. |
Officers will be installed at the Club's December monthly meeting and
assume office on the following January 1st. |
A. |
The President is the Chief Executive Officer of the Club with the following
1. |
Ensure the Club operates within the parameters established by the Club's
Constitution and By-Laws; |
2. |
Conduct regular monthly meetings; |
3. |
Call and conduct any special meetings; |
4. |
Represent the Club at various functions as required; |
5. |
Appoint committees as required. |
B. |
The Vice President shall assume the responsibilities of the President
anytime the President is absent or assume those responsibilities as directed
by the President. |
C. |
The Treasurer shall assume the responsiblities of the President anytime
the President and Vice President are both absent or assume those responsibilities
as directed by the President and shall be specifically responsible for:
1. |
Maintaining the Club's current and historical financial records; |
2. |
Receiving funds for the Club; |
3. |
Disbursing Club funds as authorized by the President; |
4. |
Presenting the Club's finances at each monthly meeting; |
5. |
Maintaining a checking account for the Club, with all checks against
that account counter-signed by another Officer. |
D. |
The Secretary shall assume the responsiblities of the President anytime
the President, Vice President and Treasurer are all absent or assume those
responsibilities as directed by the President and shall be specifically
responsible for:
1. |
Recording the minutes of all Club meetings; |
2. |
Maintaining a current roll of all members; |
3. |
Giving notice of meetings as required; |
4. |
Recording attendance at Club meetings and functions; |
5. |
Keeping the historical Club records. |
Any Club officer officially associated with a Club Sponsor, Advertiser
or Supporter in any manner whatsoever [e.g. employee], will automatically
abstain from any and all decisions affecting such a Club Sponsor, Advertiser
or Supporter and abstain from any and all decisions impacting others in
a similar endeavor or field of work.
A. |
Regular monthly meetings will be held on the third Thursday of each
month at 19:30 hours except December when the Club's Christmas Party will
take the place of the regular monthly meeting.
1. |
A regular monthly meeting may be rescheduled by the President if a
specific third Thursday presents a conflict. |
2. |
All Members must be notified of any change in date, location and time
of such rescheduled monthly meeting. |
B. |
A Quorum for any monthly meeting shall be at least 10% of the current
Members on the Club's rolls at the time of the meeting. |
C. |
Except as specified elsewhere in the Club's By-Laws, all voting at
the monthly meetings shall be by simple majority. |
A. |
Special Meetings may be called by the President or two other Officers. |
B. |
All Officers must be informed of any Special Meeting as soon before
such meeting as feasible. |
C. |
The purpose and results of any Special Meeting must be communicated
to the Members at the next regularly scheduled Monthly Meeting. |
A. |
The President shall appoint such committees as required to conduct
Club activities. The responsibilities of each committee must be clearly
defined. |
B. |
Each committee will be comprised of an odd number of Members. |
C. |
All committee votes will be by simple majority. |
D. |
The Advisory Board of Directors will meet as required to review and
advise current officers on Club matters. This Board will be comprised of
past Club Presidents, current Officers and Committee Chairpersons. The
results of all Board meetings must be presented at the next regularly scheduled
monthly meeting. A Board meeting may be called by any two current Officers
or any three other Board members provided all Board members receive notification
as soon before such meeting as feasible. |
A. |
Amendments may be proposed by either a majority of the Officers or
any 20% of the current Members. |
B. |
All amendments must be submitted to the Secretary in writing either physcially or by electronic means. |
C. |
The exact amendment will be presented in the next Newsletter and/or by electronic means to inform
all Members of the proposed change(s). |
D. |
Voting on the amendment shall follow the same procedure as the voting
to elect Officers, excluding the specific time references therein. |
Revised February, 2017 |